Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Star Wars Casting Revealed!

Yesterday thrilled nerds every where by announcing the cast of Star Wars episode VII. There are some returning stars and some unknowns. I'm really happy that they went with more unknowns other than our fear of Disney child stars. Here's the list of the actors, other than Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, and Kenny Baker, cast to be in the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII set to hit theaters December 18, 2015;
Adam Driver

John Boyega

Daisy Ridley

Oscar Isaac

Andy Serkis

Domhnall Gleeson

Max von Sydow

What do you think of this list? And how excited are you about this movie? 
I'm around the level of I'm planning my cosplay to stand in line for tickets excited!

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